Monmouth County parks will reopen on May 2

The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders has made the decision to open Monmouth County parks and golf courses on May 2 for their regular posted hours.

“I am glad the authority over the decision of whether or not the Monmouth County parks are open has been put back in the hands of the Freeholders,” Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone said.

“The entire board has always felt, throughout this pandemic, that our parks are essential for the mental health and well-being of our residents. We vowed to open them as soon as we were able to and that is exactly what we are doing,” Arnone said.

The parks will open on May 2 for regular posted hours, which are available at, and parking will be limited to half capacity. Park rangers will monitor visitor loads and will temporarily close parks if parking lots become too full, according to a press release from the county.

“Our hope is that residents will use these parks as a tool to help relieve stress and anxiety, as well as a way to exercise and have fun,” Freeholder Lillian G. Burry said.

“Enjoy the great weather we are supposed to have this weekend, and hopefully will have in the days and weeks to come, by taking a walk, a bike ride, go fishing or play a round of golf.

“I would like to thank the park system staff for all of their competence and dedication,” Burry said. “Each and every one of them has stepped up to the challenges caused by this pandemic and I commend them for their efforts.”

Trails, open lands, beaches, boat ramps (no fee collected), marinas, fishing areas, fitness trails, golf courses and disc golf courses will be open, according to the press release.

Buildings, including restrooms, shelter buildings and picnic pavilions will remain closed. The following areas will also remain closed: Longstreet Farm; playgrounds; off-leash dog areas; fishing piers; skateplex; campgrounds; athletic fields; tennis courts; basketball courts; in-line skating rinks.

Golf courses will have 16-minute tee time intervals and single rider carts (except for immediate family members).

“While we are excited to open the parks, we would like to remind residents to practice social distancing and respect any direction given by the park rangers when out at the parks, so we can work on opening up more of these areas in the coming weeks,” Arnone said.

For more information about the Monmouth County Park system, visit