Spotswood taxes still due today, May 1

SPOTSWOOD – Spotswood taxes are still due today, despite the governor’s postponement of payment until June 1.

“You may have heard the governor has facilitated extending the tax due date from May 1 to June 1. However, he left it up to municipalities to make that decision based on their financial situations. Unfortunately, it is not financially feasible for us to do so and the tax due date in Spotswood must remain May 1,” Mayor Ed Seely said in a prepared statement..

Seely said he speaks with the governor via conference call every Friday with mayors from Middlesex, Mercer and Monmouth counties, and many mayors said they are receiving numerous calls regarding unemployment benefits not being processed, small business loans not available, and virtually no help on the call numbers provided.

“I know a good number of you may be struggling; if so, please reach out to my office. If we can help, we will, or we will try to point you in the right direction and put you in contact with someone who can,” Seely said in the statement.

Currently as of May 1, there are 70 positive cases of COVID-19 in the borough with two deaths.