Freehold Township to install new playground equipment at Opatut Park

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – The installation of new playground equipment at one of Freehold Township’s parks has been authorized by the Township Committee.

During a meeting on April 28, committee members awarded a $27,000 contract to Whirl Construction Inc. to install playground equipment at Opatut Park, East Freehold Road. The company was awarded the contract as the lowest bidder, according to a resolution.

According to the resolution, other bids were submitted by Picerno Giordano Construction ($34,800); T. Fiotakis Construction LLC ($38,650); and Corby Associates Inc. ($47,250).

After the bids were received and reviewed, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Susan McGough recommended that the contract be awarded to Whirl Construction.

In other business, committee members awarded a $22,600 contract to Larry’s Painting and Decorating LLC for maintenance work and repairs at the historic Oakley house, Wemrock Road.

And, the committee awarded a $20,405 contract to Selex-ES Inc. (Elsag ALPR/ANPR Solutions) for Elsag Plate Hunter mobile cameras and accessories for the Freehold Township Police Department. The equipment, which reads license plates, will be installed in police vehicles.

Finally, committee members awarded a $17,680 contract to Datalux Corporation for the purchase of four Datalux Tracer computers and accessories. The equipment will be provided to the police department for use in police vehicles.