Monmouth Museum welcomes submissions for New Jersey Emerging Artists Series

The Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, has announced an open call to welcome artists to apply to become a New Jersey emerging artist for the 2020-21 series.

The focus of the emerging artists for the next series will be representing the under-represented in the arts, as it applies to all fields and disciplines, according to a press release.

Executive Director Donna Kessinger said, “We look to thoughtfully engage a broad group of artists and prioritize diversity in all areas, including gender, age, background, socioeconomic level, sexual orientation, ethnicity and the special needs community.

“The focus is to encourage the artistic expression of those artists under-represented in the art world, at their point of emerging in their next career level as an artist.”

By creating a platform and providing a voice to these diverse perspectives, the exhibits and their workshops can provide an inclusive and interactive space for artistic exploration and support a collaborative environment for attendees, according to the press release.
The New Jersey Emerging Artists Series consists of annual monthly solo exhibitions to showcase the new work of New Jersey artists who are emerging into their next phase as artists.
The Nilson Gallery in the Monmouth Museum provides a unique and exciting opportunity for these artists to exhibit their work. Selected artists are guided through the exhibition process, provided promotional materials and give an artist’s talk during their exhibition, offering the public insight into their artistic process, according to the press release.
All opening receptions and gallery talks are free and open to the public. There will be a significant virtual component, such as the current virtual exhibit,
Should the museum remain temporarily closed, planned exhibits and their activities will take place online. The artists selected for this series represent the diversity of talent in the state and demonstrate creativity in a wide variety of media, according to the press release.
The selection committee will choose six artists invited from a pool of curators and visual arts professionals who are based in the global and greater New York art markets.  The evolving series will include inviting independent curators from diverse backgrounds to help create the exhibitions.
Submission are accepted now through June 15 online through Submittable. More information and the link to submit can be found at under the Artist/Call for Entries tab. A submission fee of $20 is required and includes a portfolio of up to 10 pieces. More information and guidelines are available on the website.