Photo courtesy of McCarter Theatre

Opinion: Wearing masks in parks is considerate

I went for a walk on the Delaware & Raritan Canal in Princeton this past Sunday, May 3. There were many joggers, bikers, fisherman, walkers and kids enjoying the great weather, but not one person wearing a mask. I was surprised to see up to five people together and people stopping and talking without masks with others running past me breathing heavily.

If you know the canal, it’s hard to keep a 6-foot distance while being safe with joggers and bikers going past. I know it’s only highly recommended in New Jersey to wear a mask but I felt uncomfortable. People looked at me strangely as if I was sick. I had to cut my walk short.

I’m all for opening up parks and businesses but it will take more than keeping a 6-foot distance. It will take people using common sense and wearing a face mask when they walk by or run by someone.

Maybe if they knew a loved one who was gasping for air on a ventilator they might be more considerate.

Nicholas Virgilio
North Brunswick