Howell school board president praises teachers’ effort during pandemic

HOWELL – Mark Bonjavanni, the president of the Howell K-8 School District Board of Education, believes teachers are appreciated now more than ever.

During a May 6 meeting, Bonjavanni spoke about the efforts teachers are making as they continue to educate children in a virtual learning environment during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.

“We have heard over and over again about the difficulty parents have been having figuring out how to teach their children at home, and I think what it does is it just shows over and over and over, the dedication and the work the teachers who are actually in the classroom and dealing with our children every day do,” Bonjavanni said.

He noted that the week of the May 6 meeting had been designated as National Teacher Appreciation Week.

“Probably more so than ever, across America right now, we have families who are saying they certainly appreciate the teachers and what they do. I am sure the rest of the board welcomes me in saying we would really like to thank and acknowledge all the teachers and the work they do,” Bonjavanni said.

Superintendent of Schools Joseph Isola said he felt fortunate to have a public meeting during National Teacher Appreciation Week.

“Take a second to thank and acknowledge the teachers here in Howell, and as Mr. Bonjavanni said, throughout the state and country,” Isola said.

“These are extraordinary times. Every day we are appreciative of the fine educators who take care of our kids and educate the students we are entrusted with, but certainly in this most difficult and challenging time, I would echo Mr. Bonjavanni’s statements by saying I assure you we all join each other in this wonderful opportunity to recognize our staff,” the superintendent said.

Isola said the entire educational community has contributed to the virtual learning effort that has been going on since March.

“I always take the opportunity to say teacher and staff appreciation because there are so many key players in the success of our school district. So thank you to all our wonderful teachers and staff members throughout our district who continue to put students first and partner with us to do the right work,” Isola said.

The superintendent said Howell’s administrators are waiting for guidance from state officials in regard to end-of-year celebrations for the fifth grade and eighth grade graduating classes.

“We want to make sure we properly and appropriately recognize specifically our eighth-graders (who will be moving on to high school) and our fifth-graders (who will be moving on to middle school) …

“We are clearly, and by order, waiting for guidance from the state. So while the Governor has asked us to be creative and to celebrate students, he then said guidance is coming,” Isola said.