Millstone officials: Vandals will be made to pay for damage at park

MILLSTONE – Several suspects have been identified following a recent incident of vandalism at Millstone Park, a recreation facility that is being developed on Red Valley Road, Millstone Township.

During the Township Committee’s May 6 meeting, Business Administrator Kevin Abernethy discussed the vandalism that took place at the park the previous week.

“Unfortunately, damage has been occurring, including a light pole that was knocked down, damage to the parking lot and damage to a field (caused) by reckless individuals who should not be there,” Abernethy said. “With the security cameras we have, we are catching (those responsible) and things will be addressed.”

Abernethy said the individuals who caused the damage were driving pick-up trucks, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles on the fields.

Damage to the parking lot was caused by individuals performing “doughnuts” with their vehicles and the street light was knocked down as a result of the off-road driving.

Several suspects have been identified, according to Abernethy. As of May 12, charges had not be filed, but are anticipated. No information about the suspects was provided by municipal officials.

In discussing the incident, Mayor Fiore Masci said, “Every one of us (on the Township Committee) is committed to making sure our parks remain beautiful and remain the way they should be. … If anybody thinks they are going to come, take their vehicles and destroy our property, you have another think coming.”

Abernethy, Masci and Committeeman Gary Dorfman noted there are cameras in place at the park that record what people are doing.

“People have gone in, behaved inappropriately, done damage and they are seen,” Dorfman said. “They are going to be made to make what was damaged correct and (pay) restitution.

“The word should be passed among those who do wrong that you are going to be caught. You are going to be caught on film, you are going to be made to make it right and frankly, you could become very embarrassed about it.

“So please conduct yourself accordingly in parks that are open when they are open. Respect those parks that are closed when they are closed, and certainly don’t do damage or senseless vandalism because there is no purpose to it.

“It’s disrespectful to yourself, it’s disrespectful to your family, it’s disrespectful to your neighbors and fellow residents of Millstone. It doesn’t serve any purpose,” Dorfman said.