Saint Peter’s University Hospital offers diabetes prevention program

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes-related health problems can make it even harder to overcome COVID-19, a disease that already poses recovery challenges for those with no prior health conditions.

Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick continues to help people prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes through a free, year-long program that teaches improved nutrition, increased exercise, stress management and weight loss.

The Prevent T2 program is open to anyone 18 years or older diagnosed with pre-diabetes or with a history of gestational diabetes. The next year-long session begins on June 3, and pre-registration is required. This session will be held via the online platform Zoom until safe distancing allows the class to be conducted in-person. The year-long program meets every other week for its first six months, followed by monthly meetings in the second half of the year.

Sessions are an hour in length. For each session, there’s a fun and educational component. Lifestyle coaches track progress and give away prizes. The class provides group support for living a healthy lifestyle.

The program is fully funded by a grant from the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Contribution Fund. Call 732-339-7772 for more information or to register. Space is limited.

Classes will be offered in English (and Spanish as needed).