Three Old Bridge students among winners of anti-drug folder contest

More than 3,400 fourth grade students from across New Jersey showed off their artistic skill as part of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s Design a Fourth Grade Folder Contest this year, with 28 earning recognition at an award ceremony held virtually on May 12.

Four of this year’s finalists are from Middlesex County. Madison Santiago of James McDivitt Elementary School in Old Bridge, Mia Joo of Perth Amboy Catholic School in Perth Amboy, and Lisa Tooley and Kaylin Milius of Alan B. Shepard Elementary School in Old Bridge were selected as finalists in the competition.

All 28 fourth grade student finalists will receive medals for their creative peer-to-peer substance use prevention artwork following the theme “Fun Things to Do Instead of Drugs.”

“These young students should be commended not only for their hard work and artistic ability, but also for their strong drug-free and healthy-lifestyle messages they have delivered to their peers,” Angelo Valente, executive director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey, said in a prepared statement. “We are so glad that we were able to host this virtual ceremony to recognize their achievements.

“The Fourth Grade Folder contest is an effective way to engage students and educate them to make healthy lifestyle choices for their future. Early prevention efforts are vital to instilling the importance of substance abuse prevention and leading a drug-free healthy lifestyle,” he said.

To view the presentation, visit