Scott Jacobs

Plaque will commemorate Monroe’s Class of 2020; ‘Zero-Year’ reunion planned for the fall

MONROE – In efforts to recognize the Class of 2020 during the unprecedented times of the novel coronavirus pandemic, the Monroe Township Board of Education will commemorate the class with a plaque.

The board will appropriate funds not to exceed $2,500 to commemorate the “sacrifice and enduring spirit” the Class of 2020 represents with a plaque to be affixed at Monroe Township High School.

Board members discussed ways they could commemorate the class, which included a time capsule, planting a garden or planting a tree.

With the announcement of schools closing for the remainder of the year, the Monroe Township High School will hold a virtual graduation ceremony on June 24. High School Principal Kevin Higgins said they are planning a wave parade through the campus of the high school and community clap-out throughout the township on the same date.

The senior prom and senior picnic are officially canceled. School officials are developing plans for what they are calling a Zero-Year Reunion for a date sometime in the fall to recognize the Class of 2020.