Bordentown Township staff will resume work in Town Hall on June 1

Bordentown Township staff will resume work in Town Hall on Monday. June 1.

Town Hall will be thoroughly cleaned prior to employees coming back. Personal protective equipment will be issued to each employee, and strict social distancing guidelines will be in place, according to information provided by township officials on May 18.

Town Hall will remain closed to the public. In some cases, appointments can be made with specific departments on a limited basis. Interaction with members of the public will be kept to a minimum, according to the statement.

There are drop boxes in the main lobby of the municipal building, 1 Municipal Dr., for those who need to drop off paperwork, licenses or applications. The boxes are checked regularly.

The Township Finance Office has installed a lock box in the lobby of Town Hall next to the elevator. The lock box is under 24-hour video surveillance. Taxpayers are asked to only drop checks or money orders in the box. However, the preference is for residents to mail their tax payments or pay online to avoid entering the building, according to the statement.

The Public Works Department is almost up to full capacity of services. Residents can call for scheduled brush and white goods pickup. Regular garbage pickup remains on schedule, including bulk pickup. The Recycling Facility remains open with regular hours for residents to drop off recycling, e-waste or brush, according to the statement.

Township Parks facilities and playgrounds remain closed. However, the bicycle and walking paths remain open, and the open fields are available for use. Residents are asked to practice social distancing while using the paths and the township recommends the use of masks. Groups of people congregating will be asked to disperse, according to the statement.

The Township Committee and Planning Board meetings remain on schedule, and will be held via Zoom meeting for the foreseeable future. The link for public participation can be found with the respective agendas on the township’s website, All other committee and commission meetings have been cancelled until further notice.

The Township Senior Center remains closed until further notice.

“We ask all of you to continue to practice the social distancing procedures and all the safety guidelines as outlined by the governor. It is increasingly important we that we continue to take care of ourselves and our families. Please keep in touch with your friends, relatives and neighbors to make sure everyone is safe and healthy. Specifically, let us all focus on those who are specifically vulnerable to this virus; the elderly, sic, or those who live in need. In these times of crisis, it is vital that we pull together as a community,” the committee collectively wrote in the statement.

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