Prevent sewer backups in the neighborhood

Disposing of trash down drains and toilets can lead to sewer overflows and backups that can cause harm to the health and the environment.
Just because a package says “flushable” does not mean that it should be flushed, according to information provided by the South River Department of Public Works. Many of these items do not degrade in the same manner as toilet paper and oftentimes clog pipes and tangle pumps. When flushed down the toilet, these items bind together and can cause sewage backups in homes, manhole overflows and failures at sewage pumping stations. These can cost thousands of dollars to repair.

Do not flush the following items: disposable diapers, tampons and sanitary napkins, cleansing wipes, grease and cooking oil, facial tissues, dental floss, hair, condoms, medicine, plastics, rags, coffee grounds and clothes.