Hillsborough Opioid Task Force to hold inaugural meeting in June

The mayor of Hillsborough has kept his word, developing an opioid team in the township as promised at the beginning of the year.

“During my opening remarks this year at the Reorganization Meeting, I announced that I would be working with national and local leaders to address the growing opioid epidemic. As a result, I have assembled a team of individuals to take up that charge. Although these individuals were contacted over two months ago and expressed their enthusiasm to be on the team, work was halted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Mayor Doug Tomson said in a prepared statement on May 27.

Members of the Opioid Task Force include Tomson, Administrator Anthony Ferrera, Township Clerk and Public Information Officer Pamela Borek, Police Chief Mike McMahon, Pastor Tim Wolf, resident Janine Erickson, the Rev. John Rozembajgier, the Rev. Hank Hilton, resident Mike Reilly, Student Assistance Counselor Rebecca Balaguer, a REBEL student to be determined, and Board of Education representative Jean Trujillio.

“While we are very proud of the work that the Hillsborough/Millstone Municipal Alliance does, and some of the members of this task force are also on the alliance, this group will be tasked specifically with issues surrounding opioids,” Tomson said in the statement. “As of March 1, we have lost two residents to opioids, which is higher than the normal rate; however, I believe that one death is one too many.”

The task force is set to have its first virtual meeting in early June and will look to join forces with the alliance and other community organizations to combat this crisis.