South River police say rumors of retaliation actions are unsubstantiated

SOUTH RIVER–The South River Police Department is aware of rumors circulating about possible retaliatory actions against police supporters, but say those rumors have been found to be unsubstantiated, according to a statement from the South River Police Department.

According to a statement from the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP), a bogus text began circulating on or about May 31 claiming that a police officer was advising a family friend that ANTIFA/rioters were planning to go into neighborhoods to target homes displaying American, law enforcement and President Trump-supporting flags.

On June 1, this message was reported to and vetted by law enforcement agencies. The agencies found the alleged threats of vandalism to be unsubstantiated.

In the wake of widespread protests nationwide, and as some towns impose a curfew, several versions of the text have circulated around the country with different cities inserted in the message. These messages are likely being created to stoke fear from existing protests and promote further discord in communities where peaceful gatherings may occur, according to the statement.

NJOHSP strongly urges the public to use legitimate and credible organizations for accurate information, as well as to fact check claims from competing sources. Rumors can easily circulate within communities during a crisis, and the spread of disinformation can be stopped by choosing trusted sources of information, according to the statement.