Scott Jacobs

East Brunswick school district will hold virtual high school graduation on June 17

EAST BRUNSWICK–Superintendent Victor Valeski has announced that the school district will hold a virtual graduation for East Brunswick High School graduating seniors at 11 a.m. on June 17.

“As we prepare to wrap up our virtual school year you will receive a message from your child’s principal about dates, times and procedures regarding collecting essential personal material that may have been left in schools when we closed mid-March. They will also share procedures for returning district-owned material to schools. These school-specific procedures must be followed to ensure everyone’s safety,” Valeski said in a prepared statement.

“I hope everyone will join in the celebration of the accomplishments of this group of talented students,” Valeski said. “Additionally, we continue to monitor Gov. Phil Murphy’s daily press briefings for relaxation of the limitations currently imposed by Executive Order 148 and New Jersey Department of Education directives on any in-person celebration of graduation.”

Here is what the district is following, as of June 2:

  • Any in-person outdoor celebration may only occur on or after July 6.
  • The governor’s Executive Order 148 limits any in-person celebration of graduation events up to a maximum of 25 individuals, inclusive of students, families, faculty and security.
  • The district must submit plans for any in-person celebration of graduation and be approved at least one week prior to the scheduled event.

“Our collective focus, this summer, will be developing action plans for returning to school this September. Our recovery, refocus and rebuilding buttons on the homepage of our website continue to provide a view of our ongoing priorities,” Valeski said.

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