League of Women Voters candidates forum set for June 11

The League of Women Voters of the Princeton Area is hosting a virtual candidates forum on June 11, featuring David Cohen, Leticia Fraga and Dina Shaw, who are seeking their party’s nod in the July 7 Democratic Party primary for two open Princeton Council seats.

The candidates forum can be viewed online at 7:30 p.m. June 11 at www.lwvprinceton.org. A recording of the forum will be posted on the league’s website, on its Facebook page at facebook.com/LWVPRINCETON, and on Princeton Community TV.

The two incumbent Princeton Council members, Cohen and Fraga, are serving their first terms on the council. They are being challenged by Shaw, who is a political newcomer.

Questions for the three candidates should be emailed to [email protected] by June 9.

Cohen, who is seeking his second, three-year term, said he is running for re-election because many of the issues facing the town are issues on which he has the most to offer – from implementing the town’s Climate Action Plan to tweaking the town’s land use policies to encourage “smart growth” and more sustainable development.

Cohen said he believes some continuity in government is essential for smooth functioning, and that is another reason why he has chosen to run for re-election. There has been turnover on the council, he said.

Fraga also is seeking her second, three-year term on the Princeton Council. She is the first Latinx to serve on the council. Her family immigrated to Washington State when she was 12 years old.

Fraga said she is eager to continue to work together with her colleagues on the Princeton Council to ensure the town lives up to its potential as a “standout community” and an ideal place to start a family, open a business, buy a home or to retire.

Shaw, who is making her first run for elected office, said that town leadership has an important role in the management of the municipality. It has a direct impact on the quality of life of the residents, she said.

Shaw’s three-point platform focuses on managing economic development; communication and inclusiveness; and support for the Princeton Public Schools.