East Brunswick Education Foundation awards 91 distance learning grants for schools

EAST BRUNSWICK–With teachers needing educational tools to conduct class during the coronavirus crisis, the East Brunswick Education Foundation (EBEF) funded more than $30,000 in distance learning grants.

“The switch to virtual learning required teachers to turn their kitchens, dens and other areas of their houses into classrooms. Teachers needed supplies like portable whiteboards, tripods to hold their phones while they recorded lessons, and in some cases, butterfly larvae to complete the grade two science curriculum,” EBEF President Jack Levitt said in a statement released by the district.

Teachers made the switch from in-person to virtual learning over a weekend in mid-March as a result of Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order to close the schools to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. This rapid shift in instructional practices required teachers to get creative with their lessons, according to the statement.

The EBEF offered teachers distance learning grants of up to $500 each to support this creativity and innovation. In total, the EBEF awarded 91 grants to teachers at all 11 schools throughout the district, totaling more than $30,000 of financial support.

The EBEF “Present with a Future” campaign allows donors to honor a teacher, graduate, family member, or friend with a minimum $10 donation to EBEF, or can be used as a memorial contribution. A card will be sent to the person that is being honored or the loved ones of a person who is being remembered.

For more information about the Present with a Future campaign, visit www.EBEF.org.
