Opinion: Principal thanks participation of fire departments in distributing caps and gowns

I am writing this letter today out of gratitude and appreciation for the kindness showed by the West Windsor Fire Department and the Princeton Junction Fire Department. Both of these fire departments willingly supported the WWPHS South Class of 2020 by allowing us to hang a banner on their ladder truck during our cap and gown distribution. The students and their parents were so excited to to be greeted by teachers and the school banner as they entered the parking lot. Almost all students and parents took pictures/videos, the sight actually moved some parents to tears. This event would not have been the same without the help of the fire departments.

 This has been a challenging school year especially for our Class of  2020, but the six hours of time donated by the local fire departments and their vehicle helped make the cap and gown distribution a special occasion for them.

 On behalf of the WWPHS South Class of 2020, I thank you.


Dennis Lepold
West Windsor Plainsboro High School South