Pennington School holds virtual graduation for 45 middle school students

The Pennington School held virtual graduation ceremonies on June 11 for 45 students completing studies in its middle school.

Headmaster William S. Hawkey presented opening remarks. After an invocation from Chaplain David Hallgren, Head of Middle School Chrissie Knight presented her message to the graduates and their families. Polaris Hayes of Robbinsville gave the First in Scholarship Address. As the diplomas were formally granted, eighth-grade faculty advisors offered remarks about each of the graduating students, according to information provided by the school.

Assistant Headmaster for Community Life and Dean of Students Chad Bridges then welcomed the graduates to Pennington’s Upper School, and Chaplain Hallgren gave the benediction.

Recorded performances by the Pennington School Orchestra and the Pennington Singers added music to the event.

The members of the Pennington School Class of 2024 are:

Shahrin N. Akhtar, William J. Arthur, Arun D. Bhattacharjee, Micah B. Bowser, Alexander A. Brackin, Zachary B. Brackin. Drew C. Bridges, Keane H. Brown, Mei Mei L. Castranova, Jonah W. Celentana, Thomas W. Craig, Justin C. Davidyock, Danielle A. DiDomenico, Liam P. Donahue, Owen S. Doughty, Nicholas M. Esposito, Abigail S. Gibbons, Garrett M. Hardt, Polaris C. Hayes, Praslin C. Hayes, Raymond W. Heaton, John F. Hillman, Tyler R. B. Hope, Emily E. Howe, Nicolette B. Kirikian, Samantha J. Lambdin, Alexander Y. Lee, Sandhya B. Mahadevan,  Riya C. Mehra, Shayna Mehta, Mason H. Meyerson, Edward S. Molner, Nkechinyelum E. Nwoye, Sanjana J. Padmanabhan, Ian W. Sendak, Hunter C. Shaffer, John T. Shamsey, Francesca S. Thomas, Ruoni E. Tu, Ruoyi R. Tu, Makayla V. Tudor, Teagan C. Walsh, Jiani Wan, Zixi Yu, and Tess G. Zabele