Burlington County clerk reminds voters to watch for mail-in ballots

Burlington County Clerk Joanne Schwartz is reminding voters that they should watch for their mail-in ballots for the July 7 Primary Election.

“Mail-In Ballots have been sent to more than 195,000 registered Democrat and Republican voters,” Schwartz said in a prepared statement. “The ballots will arrive in mailboxes this week.”

Gov. Phil Murphy’s Executive Order 144 declared that the Primary Election will be conducted primarily by mail. Voters who have not affiliated with a political party and Republican or Democrat voters who need to verify their address information will be sent a Vote By Mail Application specific to this election which will require them to signify which political party ballot they wish to receive when they return the application.

To vote in this Primary Election, they will have to fill out and return this special application even if they have previously sent in an “All Future Elections” request pursuant to the governor’s Executive Order.

The county clerk asks that residents return their ballot as soon as possible in the postage paid envelope. Stamps are not required.

Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than 8 p.m. on July 7.

Voters who have questions should contact the Clerk’s Office Elections Section at 609-265-5229 or email countyclerk@co.burlington.nj.us