Supporters of police, Black lives peacefully march in North Brunswick

First came the blue, black and white toned American flags down Hermann Road in North Brunswick, carried or worn by a dedicated dozen demonstrators focused on making their pro-police points.

Undeterred by the threat of thundershowers, a contingent of Black Lives Matter about twice
the size followed suit just a few minutes later.

Both groups began a day of peaceful protests on June 27, rallying at the New Brunswick Middle School on Livingston Avenue in New Brunswick, then marching down Hermann Road to the field opposite the North Brunswick Municipal Building for remarks.

North Brunswick Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack would not go so far as to say the township
experienced counter protests.

“Both organizations exercised their First Amendment right. The pro law enforcement group made their stance clear about supporting law-abiding police officers. As one of the law enforcement organizers said, ‘You (police officers) always have our backs. Today we have your backs’. And the Black Lives Matter organization was not anti-police. They were clearly pro justice. As one of the speakers put it, ‘It is about accountability’. Both groups of demonstrators were afforded the safety of closed roads, detoured traffic and
police presence for personal safety and the protection of public and private property.

“The North Brunswick Police Department and Department of Public Works did an outstanding of job of securing the areas of the township affected by the demonstrations,” Womack said.

Deputy Police Chief Joseph Battaglia, who was present for both demonstrations, offered his thanks to the residents of the township along with the mayor.

“We really appreciate the patience of our residents in the affected areas. For that brief period of inconvenience, we avoided the potential of hours of unnecessary interaction and unruly behavior.”

* This information was submitted by Edmund DeVeaux, Burton Trent Public Affairs LLC