Opinion: Mercer County Community College offers safe ways to make education decisions

COVID-19 has dramatically and quickly altered the way we live, work, communicate, socialize and enjoy ourselves. It certainly changes the way higher education delivers its services. If this is your first time going to college, you may wonder if you should go away at all. If you are continuing your college experience, you may wonder how you can resume your education without putting your health and safety at risk.

That is why this fall, Mercer County Community College (MCCC) will offer three convenient and safe ways to make it easier for you and your families to make your education decisions. Mercer County Community College is committed to student success and
we are here to help students get a quality, affordable and accessible
education in a safe environment during COVID-19.

At MCCC, we recognize that not all students learn in the same way. Some students thrive in a self-paced learning environment, while others need more interaction with their instructors and fellow students. Still others need both flexibility and engaging interactions. That is why our dedicated faculty carefully designed three convenient and flexible ways to meet the various needs of our students.

Dr. Robert Schreyer, Mercer’s vice president of academic affairs, said it best: “We make our best efforts to deliver quality education in each of our courses. We also know the importance of direct interaction with faculty and staff to ensure our students the best chance of success. Our goal is to maintain high quality and highly engaging interaction with faculty during this challenging time. Our faculty have been really innovative and have come up with ways to maintain their frequent communications with students to help them through this new and challenging learning environment.”

The three options are remote, online and hybrid. Remote courses are offered via a technology platform (for example, through Blackboard or Zoom) and usually have regular virtual meeting times where students directly interact with their instructors and classmates.

Online courses are a form of distance education without set meeting times so that students have more flexibility scheduling their own learning.

Hybrid courses are a combination of the traditional face-to-face instruction and remote/online sessions. This may include some on-campus labs with remote lectures, or other instructional designs that meet the needs of the course materials.

To learn more about fall course offerings, please join us for an information session or visit www.MCCC.edu.

Dr. Jianping Wang
Mercer County Community College