Homdel officials affirm need for affordable housing project

HOLMDEL – In a 3-0 vote, the Township Committee has taken a step toward satisfying Holmdel’s obligation to provide opportunities for the development of affordable housing in the community.

During a meeting on June 15, Deputy Mayor Cathy Weber, Committeeman Rocco Pascucci and Committeeman Prakash Santhana voted “yes” on a motion to pass a resolution that confirms the need for the construction of an affordable housing community at 625 South Laurel Ave., Holmdel.

Mayor Gregory Buontempo and Committeeman Tom Critelli were absent from the meeting.

The passage of the resolution was “in furtherance of satisfying Holmdel’s affordable housing obligation,” according to municipal officials.

According to the resolution, a fairness hearing was conducted in court on April 4, 2019, and Jan. 30, 2020, approving settlement agreements between Holmdel and the Fair Share Housing Center, Cherry Hill.

The Fair Share Housing Center advocates for the construction of affordable housing throughout New Jersey.

According to the resolution, the court found on a preliminary basis that the settlement agreements are fair to low income and moderate income households.

The settlement agreements include a township-sponsored 50-unit, income-restricted family residential housing community at 625 South Laurel Ave.

The Township Committee has authorized Holmdel to enter into a developer’s agreement with Holmdel Family Apartments LLC as the entity that will construct, own and operate that residential community, according to the resolution.

With the affirmative vote, the committee members determined the proposed residential community currently meets or will meet an existing housing need in the township.