Downtown Freehold cancels events in Freehold Borough

FREEHOLD – With the exception of a farmers market, all other events sponsored by Downtown Freehold in Freehold Borough have been cancelled until further notice.

Downtown Freehold, a nonprofit organization, is the management corporation of Freehold Borough’s Special Improvement District (SID). The organization produces a series of annual events in the community.

The organization’s directors made the announcement regarding the cancellation of all of the events on July 2 as residents continued to deal with the effects of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.

The farmers market sponsored by Downtown Freehold will continue to take place every Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Monmouth County Hall of Records plaza on Main Street. Vendors from the area will be on hand to sell local produce.

Downtown Freehold’s signature summer event, the “Thursdays Rock” evening concerts, has not taken place this year.

The organization’s directors said restaurant operators in Freehold Borough have been offering outdoor dining since being permitted to do so by Gov. Phil Murphy.

During a recent meeting of the Borough Council, the members of the governing body adopted a $430,000 budget to support Downtown Freehold’s operation for 2020-21.

The budget that will fund the SID from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021 will be supported by the collection of $265,000 in taxes from property owners and business operators in the SID, according to a resolution.

Downtown Freehold’s budget for 2019-20 totaled $377,250 and was supported by the collection of $255,000 in taxes from property owners and business operators in the SID.

The 2020-21 spending plan includes a $52,750 increase in the total budget and a $10,000 increase in the tax levy.

For revenue in 2020-21, $148,000 is projected to come from potential total sponsorship revenue and $17,000 is projected to come from total event revenue, in addition to the $265,000 tax levy.

For expenses in 2020-21, $115,200 is dedicated to events, $236,500 is dedicated to member services, $71,800 is dedicated to improvements and $6,500 is dedicated to donations to local events.