Spotswood Senior Center to launch phase one of reopening plan on July 21

SPOTSWOOD–Announcing a strategy to start reopening its facility for patrons, the Spotswood Office on Aging (OOA) and Senior Center will begin holding small group activities on July 21.

“We have been given permission to begin phase one of reopening the senior center. This phase will begin on July 21 and allow for small group activities limited to one per day,” OOA Director Donna Faulkenberry said. “[The] schedule … is subject to change at any time if safety guidelines or recommendations change via executive order or if the safety of members or staff is determined to be at risk.”

Participant protocols are as follows:

  1. Pre-registration for each activity is required. Participants can register only on the day of their activity from 8:30-10 a.m.
  2. Attendees will be required to sign a waiver prior to participating in any activities at the center.
  3. Attendees must wear a mask over their nose and mouth at all times.
  4. Participants must remain at least six feet away from other members.
  5. Seniors must stay home if they show any signs of illness. This includes but is not limited to coughing, sore throat, fever, vomiting or diarrhea.
  6. A person’s temperature will be taken prior to entering the center. Anyone with a temperature above 100.4 will not be permitted inside.
  7. No food or beverages will be served. Members can bring their own covered beverage.
  8. Attendees will leave the center at the conclusion of the activity.
  9. Seniors will notify the Spotswood Office on Aging immediately should they visit the center and subsequently test positive for COVID-19.

Senior Center protocols will include:

  • A maximum of 14 participants will be admitted.
  • Temperatures will be taken at the door.
  • A staff member will check members in at the front desk (no sign-in).
  • All chairs and tables will be disinfected prior to and after each group meets, as well as the bathroom sink and toilet stall; only one stall and sink will be open to minimize contact.
  • Tables or floor will be labeled to denote where participants must sit/stand to remain socially distant.
  • No food or beverages will be served.
  • Access to the back office, exercise/computer room, and kitchen will be blocked.

For more information about the senior center’s upcoming activities, visit or call 732-251-3432.