YMCA of MEWSA receives Youth & Government Grant

The YMCA of Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge & South Amboy received notification of a grant in the amount of $2,500 from the New Jersey State Bar Foundation to support the costs of launching their new teen initiative, the Youth and Government Program.

The program will be offered at the Metuchen and Edison YMCA locations and will be open to high school students in the community who have an interest in civic engagement.

Through the existing Y-USA national program model, teens from across the state meet with other local YMCA’s throughout the year to discuss and debate issues that affect citizens of the state and to propose mock legislation. Field trips will include a trip to the NJ State House on Youth Advocacy Day and the program culminates with the teens serving as delegates at the YMCA NJ Youth and Government State Conference, debating bills on the floor of the legislature.

The program is fee-based, however, the grant will allow the Y to underwrite program costs for teens from underserved families.

The program is anticipated to begin in September 2020.


Interested participants should contact Gabriella St. Fleur at 732-548-2044.