The Hun School to hold in-person commencement ceremony on July 25

The Hun School’s 106th Commencement will take place at 9 a.m. July 25 at The Hun School, 176 Edgerstoune Road, Princeton, on Natale Family Field.

One hundred sixty-one students will graduate The Hun School this year, including 61 boarders who come from as far away as South Africa, Russia, Beijing and Ireland. Valedictorian is Alex Ni.

Classes transitioned to an all virtual format this March. As a result, commencement will be a reunion as well as a milestone celebration, for those who are able to return.

For the first time in the school’s 106-year-history, commencement will take place on Natale Family Field in a physically distant ceremony. In years past, graduates have sat together on the lawn behind Russell Hall, as family and friends looked on; but with the current safety guidelines in place, graduates will be seated with two members of their immediate family, six feet apart from others on the school’s athletic field, according to information provided by the school.

Following the ceremony, graduates will have an opportunity to walk the campus they have not seen in months. They will recess through a faculty receiving line on the mall, minus the customary hugs and handshakes.

The class will matriculate at more than 90 colleges and universities this year.

Hun is a boarding school with students from 18 states and 23 countries. Given travel restrictions in place, some graduates may be unable to attend. The event will be livestreamed and efforts will be made to honor those not in attendance, according to the statement.

In keeping with state guidelines and in the best interests of families, individuals who are sick may not attend; face coverings are required; and individuals must remain outdoors and remain six feet apart at all times. Access to campus buildings will be limited to restroom use only.

Photo opportunities will be available throughout the event.

For more information and to RSVP, email [email protected]