South River mayor encourages residents to conserve water during heat wave

SOUTH RIVER – As the state is experiencing an ongoing heatwave, Mayor John Krenzel is asking borough residents to conserve their electricity, water and assist the elders.

“As you are aware, it is hot. We are in a heatwave with high temperatures and high humidity. You are asked to look in on your neighbors, especially the elderly. Take care of yourselves and your children,” Krenzel said in a prepared statement. “Stay hydrated and think carefully about doing outside activities in the heat of the day.”

Asking residents to also conserve electricity, Krenzel said residents should use their washers and dryers in the mornings or evenings.

Krenzel said residents should not leave their air conditioners on full blast if no one is home.

Emphasizing the importance of conserving water, Krenzel said heavy usage contributed to the borough’s recent water discoloration in parts of the borough.

“Don’t waste water, it is a precious and expensive commodity,” Krenzel said in the statement.

Finally, Krenzel said residents should be wary of releasing mylar balloons.

“If one gets caught in a power line, it can cause a short circuit, as one did a few days ago. Poof, no power!” Krenzel said in the statement. “So, again, be careful. It is hot. Take precautions. Thank you.”