Current school board member encourages other to seek seat

I am a member of the Hillsborough Township School Board. The opinions expressed here are my own; they are neither authorized by nor do they express the views or opinions of the Hillsborough Township School Board.

The school board’s role is to make sure the schools are well run, but the board does not run the schools. This distinction is important: the school board sets the “what” through policy and the administration does the “how” in day-to-day management.

School board members are the largest group of elected officials in New Jersey and also the most regulated. Serving on the school board is a time commitment, but you won’t be learning alone.

Training is provided through New Jersey School Boards Association ( and these are my main take-aways: All children can be successful; it’s our job to figure out what that is and how to help them achieve it. At the end of the day, it’s about what’s in the best interest of the kids.

The school board is comprised of nine residents from Hillsborough and Millstone. Each board member serves for a three-year term and each year, three seats are open for election. The school board election is non-partisan and the nominating petition needs 10 signatures plus a notary signature.

Residents must file their nominating petition with the Somerset County Clerk by 4 p.m., Monday, July 27, for their names to appear on the Nov. 3 General Election ballot.

In the spirit of discourse, diversity of opinion and working for what’s best for children, I encourage my fellow citizens to consider running for school board.

Jean Trujillo
Hillsborough Township Board of Education