Spotswood council approves resolution for various roadway improvements

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing CME Associates to perform professional engineering services for this year’s various roadways improvements.

The borough has been awarded a New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) 2020 Municipal Aid Grant of $555,000 towards improvements to Sloan Road, Charles Street, Carol Lane, Brian Lane, Rainbow Lane, and Ertle Avenue, according to the council agenda.

As part of the project design, CME Associates recommends the borough hire a contractor to perform a video inspection of the sewer lines within the project limits so that information can be reviewed and CME Associates can advise the borough if any repairs are needed, according to the council.

The council approved the resolution allowing CME Associates to perform professional engineering services for a total not to exceed $106,355 on July 13 during the council meeting via video conference.

If there any repairs needed, that would increase the cost of the project, due to that being a state non-participating item and would not be eligible under the grant, according to the council.

CME Associates has submitted a professional engineering and surveying services costs estimates for the project, and based on the revised scope of work for the various streets, CME revised the construction cost estimate under the grant is $570,146, according to the council.

CME also submitted the following professional engineering services cost estimates for the various tasks of the project:

  • survey phase services will be $6,150
  • design phase services will cost $45,705
  • bid phase services will cost $4,160
  • construction administration services will cost $ 50,340
  • the total cost for all the services will be $106,355

The borough’s chief financial officer has provided certification in writing as to the availability of adequate funds for the awarding of the contract, according to the council.

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