Aberdeen Township debuts YouTube channel

ABERDEEN – Municipal officials in Aberdeen Township have launched a YouTube channel to entertain and educate residents.

“It all comes down to communication and to finding as many avenues as possible to get the word out to residents about what is happening here,” Mayor Fred Tagliarini said.

Public Information Officer Brittany Shea said the Aberdeen Township YouTube channel was launched on May 1.

The mayor said officials are already communicating with residents in various way and said “YouTube is a very exciting platform for us to use video.”

In recent weeks, officials have posted videos about outdoor dining options in the community.

“Several council members and I have been going around to restaurants, filming the owners and talking to them about how they are doing” as the state reopens following the darkest days of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, Tagliarini said.

Shea said residents can learn about upcoming videos by visiting Aberdeen Township’s Facebook page and municipal website, or by signing up for township email blasts.

“YouTube is another great way for us to connect with our residents and in the near future we will be providing recreation programs via the channel,” Shea said.

Tagliarini said Shea is considering adding a yoga or a “Mommy and Me” program to the YouTube channel.

“I just had a meeting with the Mayor’s Wellness Council and we are thinking about starting programs for residents about wellness.

“YouTube has given us so much (more) flexibility to get the word out about what’s happening in town, good and bad.

“We really believe that if there is anything we can do, we will do, to have our residents be knowledgeable about what’s going on,” the mayor said.

Tagliarini said a video about the Blue Rock Cafe has been viewed 1,100 times.

“I would like to give a shout-out to one of our dispatchers, Adam Sabre … who is helping us on his own to produce these videos. He did a great job on the Blue Rock Cafe video,” the mayor said.

Videos of Township Council meetings are also available on the YouTube channel

“It comes down to communication, which is especially important at the present time. … From my perspective, it’s about providing information to our residents,” Tagliarini said.

Search for Aberdeen Township YouTube channel to see the municipality’s videos.