Learn about how food affects the brain during NAMI webinar; join Expressive Arts Cafe

Rebecca Howard will lead a webinar featuring NAMI Hearts & Minds, a presentation focusing on inner and outer wellness for people living with a mental illness, from 7-8:15 p.m. July 27.

Understand how nutrients in food affect the brain, identify healthier food choices that can be made when grocery shopping, understand the biological processes by which the body uses nutrients, and identify foods that provide beneficial nutrients for neurological and psychological health.

Presented by NAMI New Jersey (National Alliance on Mental Illness).

Register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EZ-rjgw0RTi4mE0Ggy-r3A


NAMI will also hold its next Expressive Arts Cafe from 1-2 p.m. July 27 via Zoom.

Will include open mic, storytelling, COVID-19 reflections, art journaling, poetry slams and more.

Hosted by Jacquese Armstrong.

Register at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkfuqgpjIjGNZ-jHtEBo-rmp_0bsa6tKnF