Hillsborough Fire Co. No. 2 members help Girl Scouts prepare for cookie delivery

Girl Scouts in Hillsborough sold more than 42,000 boxes of cookies to hungry customers in town and around the country. In addition, over 3,000 boxes were donated to military personnel through Operation Jersey Cares.

This year, as in many prior years, Hillsborough Fire Co. No. 2 offered Girl Scouts the use of the Route 206 firehouse to support the massive undertaking, clearing out their trucks and equipment to make room for more than 2,800 cases of cookies, all staged and organized for pickup by dedicated troop leaders and troop cookie managers, according to information provided by Hillsborough Township.

On cookie distribution day, which was Feb. 22, cars rolled through the two bays of the firehouse every few minutes for more than three hours in a well-orchestrated and incredibly efficient assembly, while Girl Scouts and Hillsborough volunteer students, friends and colleagues loaded car after car and verified distribution paperwork, according to the statement.

“The use of the firehouse is a critical part of the entire process and we are so appreciative of the firemen and their support of our efforts,” said the cookie team leaders, Pat Szary, Michelle Tomenchok and Dana Shapiro, who coordinated the cookie sale across 48 Hillsborough troops, which culminated in cookie distribution day, according to the statement.

This year, Hillsborough Girl Scouts were lucky to complete cookie distribution day prior to the COVID quarantine – and still had a record breaking year by selling 18% more than last year, according to the statement.

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