Freehold Borough council members authorize work on wells

FREEHOLD – The Borough Council has authorized two contracts totaling $162,277 for work performed on wells at Freehold Borough’s water treatment plant on Waterworks Road, Freehold Township.

On July 20, council members passed two resolutions authorizing contracts for the well projects. Both contracts were awarded to A.C. Shultes Inc., Woodbury Heights.

One contract was for emergency repairs to Well No. 6, costing $88,740. As stated in the resolution, Abbington Engineering, the borough’s engineer, issued a declaration that Well No. 6 had failed and was no longer functioning. The firm said the situation represented a threat to the public health and safety.

Municipal officials requested proposals for emergency repairs to and the immediate redevelopment of Well No. 6, according to the resolution. Quotes were solicited from Sam Stothoff Well Drilling, William Stothoff Well Drilling and A.C. Shultes.

Only A.C. Shultes submitted a proposal and Abbington Engineering recommended that the borough accept the contractor’s quote.

According to the resolution, the repairs were undertaken immediately due to the emergent nature of the repair and its effect on public health and safety.

The second contract was for the redevelopment of Well No. 8, which cost $73,537.

According to the resolution, bids were received from A.C. Shultes, Rapid Pump & Machinery Services Corp., Brave Industrial Paint, DeMaio Electrical Co. Inc. and B&H Contracting.

A.C. Shultes was the only contractor to provide a bid amount and was awarded the $73,537 contract on the recommendation of the borough administrator, the borough engineer and the superintendent of the water treatment plant.