South River council introduces ordinance awarding lease for electric battery project

SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council introduced an ordinance, which if adopted, will authorize a lease to AEP Onsite Partners for a portion of property for the South River Electric Battery Storage Project.

Borough Administrator Art Londensky said the South River Electric Battery Storage, Dispatch and Maintenance Services Project will assist the borough in reducing transmission and capacity costs associated with electricity purchased on the grid that supplies the borough’s substation on Willett Avenue.

The council introduced the ordinance awarding a 10-year lease to AEP Onsite Partners for a portion of property for the project on Aug. 3 during the council meeting via video conference. Londensky said the second and final reading is scheduled for Aug. 24.

The borough advertised for the receipt of bids, and one bid was received on Sept. 26, 2019, from AEP Onsite Partners LLC, according to the council. On October 21, 2019, the borough awarded the contract to AEP Onsite Partners.

“The vendor is developing engineering work and awaiting supplies necessary for the installation. The borough hopes to be in service with this project by the spring of 2021,” Londensky said.

In other news, the council approved a resolution authorizing CME Associates to perform civil construction administration services for the demolition and site remediation of the George Street Firehouse at a cost of $11,560.

“The plans are to demolish it because part of the building was unsafe, that is why we needed the new firehouse. The floor [at the George Street Firehouse] was structurally unsafe and it didn’t meet any of the criteria for a safe and efficient firehouse. It didn’t have adequate sanitary facilities, it didn’t have any showers, it only had two towels. It didn’t have sleeping areas [but] everything was incorporated into the new building,” Londensky said in a previous article.

Londensky said there is no date set yet in terms of when demolition will start for the George Street Firehouse.