Equine Science Center to offer series of webinars

The Equine Science Center will begin its Fall 2020 Webinar Series on Aug. 13.

Every other Thursday at 7 p.m., through the the first week of November, the Equine Science Center will host a series of webinars on various equine related topics. Presentations will be given by Rutgers University Extension specialists and professors, as well as other experts in equine-related fields.

The presentations include:
“Ensuring Good Health And Well-being In The Aging Equine Population”
Karyn Malinowski, Ph.D. – Founding Director, Rutgers University Equine Science Center
“History of Equine Exercise Physiology and Horses in Biomedical Research”
Kenneth McKeever, Ph.D., FACSM, FAPS – Rutgers University Department of Animal Sciences
“Biosecurity On Horse Farms & At Equestrian Events”
Leslie Seraphin, DVM, MPH – APHIS, USDA
“Antioxidant Research & Its Applications For Use In Exercising Horses”
Carey Williams, Ph.D. – Rutgers University Department of Animal Sciences
“Issues Facing The New Jersey Horse Industry To Ensure Sustainability”
Ed Wengryn – New Jersey Farm Bureau
“Use Of Alternative Therapy For Horses: Acupuncture”
Brian Colquhoun, DVM – Colquhoun Equine Health & Performance
“Ask The Experts Live!” will be held at 7 p.m. Nov. 5, featuring:
Michael Fugaro, VMD, dACVS – New Jersey Association of Equine Practitioners
Karyn Malinowski, Ph.D. – Founding Director, Rutgers University Equine Science Center
Kenneth McKeever, Ph.D., FACSM, FAPS – Rutgers University Department of Animal Sciences
Michael Westendorf, Ph.D. – Rutgers University Department of Animal Sciences
Carey Williams, Ph.D. – Rutgers University Department of Animal Sciences
For the full list of dates, presenters, presentations, and to register for the webinars, visit