Photo courtesy of Princeton Police Department

Emergency curbside brush collection begins Aug. 17 in South Brunswick

In the past week following Tropical Storm Isaias, nearly 40% of South Brunswick lost power, many roads and highways were closed, and hundreds of trees fell.

South Brunswick is scheduling an emergency brush collection to help residents get fallen trees and branches off their properties.

All items must be curbside by 7:30 a.m. Aug. 17 and no later. South Brunswick Public Work crews will be moving throughout the 42-square-mile township over the coming weeks to collect all the brush.


This is not a general collection so only material related to Tropical Storm Isaias will be collected and no contractor generated material will be collected.

Included in the special residential pick up are branches and logs less than 10 inches in diameter. Twigs and small branches that are less than 2 feet should be placed in a can.

No bags, leaves, stumps or garbage will be accepted.

The pickup may take a few weeks to complete.

Residents missing this one-time collection deadline must recycle their brush by delivering it to the township’s Brush Drop Off Area behind Sondek Park, 493 New Road, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. from Monday through Saturday; or recycle their material through the Fall Curbside Brush Collection.

Refrain from placing brush near fire hydrants, water valves, sewer cleanouts, transformers, etc.