South Brunswick Public Library reopens with Browse-and-Go; services now available seven days a week

The South Brunswick Public Library (SBPL) reopened its doors to the public on Aug. 11 after being closed for nearly five months to the day for COVID-19 safety.

With the addition of Browse-and-Go, visitors can at long last step inside the library building to make their own selections, according to information provided by the library.

This is now one of four library services currently offered to help library users get what they need during the pandemic: Browse-and-Go, Curbside-to-Go, Curbside@Woodlot Park, and Computer by Appointment.

The combination of Curbside-to-Go (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday) and Browse-and-Go (Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday) has SBPL available seven days a week.

The building will be open on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again from 4 to 7 p.m.; and on Sunday from 1-4 p.m.

The reopening does have some limitations and restrictions. Masks over the nose and mouth are required, as well as social distancing, according to the statement. Visits are limited to 15 minutes; no more than 30 visitors will be allowed in the building at one time. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

All borrowed items must continue to be deposited into the drop box outside of the main entrance so that items may be quarantined (four days) for staff safety.

Services are limited. Public computers may be used by appointment only. There is no access for now to meeting rooms, library seating, fax/scanning or printers/copies.

Another safety precaution for the public and staff is the installation of plexiglass partitions at each of the public service desks.

The HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) has upgraded filtration to MERV 13 air filters, according to the statement.

Book display tables have been set up in the main lobby to enhance social distant browsing, though visitors are welcome to cruise the book, movie and music aisles.

All areas are open for browsing, except for the magazines/newspapers, and the Children’s Department books for the youngest readers and children’s non-fiction. Staff will be on hand to retrieve or suggest items from that department.

SBPL’s Curbside Service, which includes magazines, Personal Picks and Computer by Appointment, continues.

Virtual programming also continues by registration, as well as video uploads to the SBPL YouTube Channel with links on social media.