Temple Emanu-El welcomes new religious school director

Temple Emanu-El of Edison is proud to announce its new religious school director, Lisa McNerney. Lisa has 30 years of experience in Jewish education and brings ruach and creativity to her role.

To ensure the safety of our students and faculty, we have made the decision to start religious school with fully remote instruction. We will be using a Zoom platform and designing innovative ways to engage the students while keeping them on track with their studies. Individualized assistance will be available as needed.

Our Reform curriculum includes modern and prayer Hebrew, Bible, holiday observances, rituals and ethics, and the rich history that surrounds our culture. Our programs are enhanced through music and art and we are proud to offer special education classes.

Becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah at Temple Emanu-El represents the attainment of a significant level of Jewish knowledge through individualized study. Post Bar/Bat Mitzvah students continue their studies through Confirmation and high school.

Note that Kindergarten to second grade and grades 8-12 are open to non-temple members and we have incentives for new members. Visit www.edisontemple.org, or contact Religious School Director Lisa McNerney at [email protected]. 

We are located at 100 James St., Edison.

For more information, call 732-549-4442.