Cranbury Economic Development Advisory Committee offers survey to move township forward

The newly formed Cranbury Economic Development Advisory Committee consists of seven members whose goal is to curate a diverse collection of businesses and experiences which will attract an equally diverse consumer base.

“Vision for success is a thriving community where residents, as well as people from neighboring towns, can enjoy a variety of dining, entertainment, cultural, philanthropic, seasonal and annual events,” Chairperson Darek Hahn said in a prepared statement.

There will be a three-phase approach toward the economic growth of Cranbury. “Discovery” will be completed by Sept. 15, followed by “Define” by Dec. 31 and “Implement” by next year.

As part of the discovery phase, a short 10-minute perception survey is available. Enter to win one of two $50 gift cards to Cranbury Pizza, which is now being served out of Americana Kitchen & Bar. The survey will be open through Aug. 23.

“Please forward this email and survey link to other Cranbury friends and neighbors who may not be on this mailing list,” Hahn said in the statement.

Once the survey data is analyzed, the committee will share its results with the community and will move into the Define Phase followed by Implementation, according to the statement.

“We look forward to building upon the strong foundation of our wonderful town and to creating the Cranbury of the future,” Hahn said in the statement.

The survey is available at