Milltown Public School District requests to begin 2020-21 school year all remote, will reassess on Oct. 2

MILLTOWN – The Milltown Public School District has requested to begin the 2020-21 school year all-remote and reassess to begin its hybrid in-person plan on Oct. 2.

Schools Superintendent Stephanie Brown shared the request in a letter to parents and guardians on Aug. 19.

During the planning process for the hybrid in-person model, the district’s Executive Reentry Planning Committee agreed, if given authority, said it was in the best interest of the health and safety of students and staff to begin the school year in September fully virtual.

“At the Executive Reentry Planning Committee meeting [on Aug. 18], there was consensus to uphold the provision in the district Reopening Plan,” Brown said.

Milltown schools transitioned to all-remote learning in March after they closed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The committee will reconvene on Oct. 2 to reassess the state of the schools and health trends and consider a feasible date for Phase 2 to start.

The Milltown Board of Education will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Aug. 24 to have a question-and-answer session related to the decision to open in a full-remote learning model for all students on Sept. 2.

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