Former mayor Marvin Reed, Seward Johnson Jr. featured in new book

Former Princeton Borough Mayor Marvin Reed and the late Seward Johnson II are featured in a recently-released book focused on business and nonprofit leadership.

Author Curt Weeden, former Johnson & Johnson vice president, writes about how Reed and Johnson influenced a listing of leadership principles and practices included in the book, “6 Pathways to Leadership & Organizational Success”.

“I worked at the New Jersey Education Association early in my career,” Weeden said in a statement released by Quadrafoil Press. “I reported to Marvin, who headed New Jersey Education Association’s [NJEA] communications department. He was the brains behind many initiatives NJEA launched that benefited New Jersey’s schools, teachers and students.”

“6 Pathways” lists 50 leadership qualities which 200 business and nonprofit executives rank ordered. Weeden credits Reed with one of the top half dozen characteristics: many errors are starting blocks for improved performance.

“I certainly made my share of mistakes while at NJEA,” Weeden said in the statement. “But Marvin taught me how to turn a misstep into a building block. It was a lesson I never forgot.”

During the 1980s and ’90s, Weeden helped administer the J. Seward Johnson Sr. Charitable Trusts working alongside the late James Hill of the law firm Smith, Stratton, Heher, Wise & Brennan.

“Seward Junior was unique,” Weeden said in the statement.

“6 Pathways” recounts how Princeton-area nonprofits were singled out for trust support during meetings with Johnson, who died earlier this year.

“Overall, Princeton personalities and organizations had a profound effect on this book,” Weeden said in the statement.  

“6 Pathways” is available at bookstores and internet book-selling vendors.