Spotswood council introduces ordinance establishing a permit requirement for public events

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council introduced an ordinance, which if adopted, will amend the municipal code requiring a permit and conditions for outdoor public events.

The permits related to any type of parade, march, demonstration, motorcade, or show of any kind in or upon any street, park or other public places.

Funeral and wedding processions, nor activities of a governmental agency acting within the proper scope of its function, will not need a permit.

An application for a parade permit will be filed with the chief of police, fire department chief, director of EMS and director of Public Works on forms to be provided by the borough, according to the council.

The council introduced and approved the ordinance on Aug. 17 during the council meeting via video conference. The second and final reading is scheduled for Sept. 9.

Administrators will have 10 days to issue the permit based on no disruption to the movement of traffic; no need for an excessive number of police officers for security; no interference with the proper movement of fire apparatus, ambulances and police vehicles; and no likelihood to cause injury to people or property or to promote disorderly conduct.

If the borough administration does not issue the permit, the borough will promptly notify the applicant, who will have the right to request a reconsideration by the council, according to the council.

The council may direct the borough administration to issue an alternative permit, authorizing the parade on a different date, time or location, provided that such an alternative permit, to be effective, must be accepted within three days by the applicant, according to the council.

The borough will have the authority to revoke a parade permit or an alternative permit issued upon application of the standards, according to the council.

This ordinance will take effect upon final passage and publication according to law.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].