Why wasn’t there room for one more ‘Ozark’ nominee?

Question: [Spoiler Alert] How could you watch Ozark‘s “Fire Pink” episode, with
Tom Pelphrey in the taxi, and not just hand him an Emmy? What are the odds he’s still alive? —Cheryl

Matt Roush: Tom Pelphrey is alive and well, but I’m afraid the same can’t be said for Ben, the tragic character he played in what has to be seen as a breakthrough performance. I agree that he should have made the Emmy cut, but with multiple nominees from Succession and The Morning Show in the supporting actor category among other Emmy favorites, he wasn’t able to get traction against such high-profile competition. It’s a shame, because his arc was arguably the most powerful in Ozark‘s terrific third season. And it’s not like the Emmy voters are ignoring Ozark, which got 18 nominations this year. This oversight stings, though, because this was his only shot. I look forward to seeing what opportunities come his way after this memorable role.

Comment: Recommended companion reading for Star Trek: Below Decks: John Scalzi’s Redshirts. You can thank me later. —Jon D

Matt Roush: I’ll thank you now. Shortly after I saw this recommendation, I downloaded it and it’s now high on my list of digital reading. Sounds like it could be even funnier than Below Decks.

To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com