Fly Eyes Playwrights to stage ‘Summer 2020: Eons at the Time’ on Facebook Live on Sept. 12

Fly Eyes Playwrights will stage their first production, “Summer 2020: Eons at the Time,” to be streamed on Facebook Live at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 12.

The play is a collection of documentary-style monologues curated from interviews with people speaking about the COVID-19 lockdown, Black Lives Matter and more of today’s issues.

The project began as an online documentary theater course at McCarter Theatre under the direction of former artistic director, Emily Mann. After the four-week program ended, the students formed Fly Eyes Playwrights and continue their work in documentary theatre, gathering monologues from diverse real-life voices of the moment.

“Summer 2020: Eons at the Same Time” is the culmination of their class work as well as additional stories gathered to expand the piece into a full-length play.

The monologues are written by all local women playwrights Donna Clovis, Katherine Clifton, Callie Considine, Jill Hackett, Lorna Haughton, Rosemary Parrillo and Susan Sandor.

The play is directed by Callie Considine and stage managed by Alexandra Kostis.

The cast includes June Ballinger, Donna Clovis, David B. Dale, Jill Hackett, Fulton Hodges, Aixa Kendrick, Sandy Kitain, Joey Perillo, Mimi Schwartz, Carol Simons and Tri Duc Tran.

Many of the actors are local artists from programs such as Seniors Onstage through McCarter Theatre, and some are national and international performers.

Content Warning: Isolation, illness, racism, mature language.

Running time is approximately one hour without intermission.

In addition to Facebook Live, the performance will also be streamed on Princeton TV and on YouTube at a later date to be announced.