Opinion: Tomson, Erickson are talented, on-the-go individuals best suited for Hillsborough Township Committee

I am writing in support of Mayor Doug Tomson to be re-elected to the Hillsborough Township’s committee, and for Janine Erickson to be elected as a new member of the committee. It is our good fortune to have such talented, on-the-go type individuals at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has caused such an upheaval in the town. We need to stabilize the situation in the town and not seek any radical changes.

Tomson has provided solid leadership in the town during this pandemic when we needed it the most. He spearheaded measures to keep us all safe, and kept us well informed on the dangers of COVID-19. He has kept the town’s operations running smoothly without any serious impact on the services. Tomson also set up a task force in anticipation of the issues that we may face in Hillsborough when recovering from COVID-19. This task force includes many seasoned individuals with excellent track record on delivering solutions to the many issues in the past in the town.

Tomson has been very effective in controlling costs, and has always maintained a cap of 2 percentage points on the property taxes. More recently, he has been actively engaged in continuing to improve town’s infrastructure under a very aggressive road paving plan, and has been working hard to create a new senior center for our residents.

Erickson, if elected, will be a very valuable addition to the township’s committee. She has over 29 years of experience of living in the town. Her long experience in both public and private sectors in the areas of budget management, administration, program development, personnel training and development would be of enormous value to the town. Her budget management skills will play a crucial role during our recovery from the pandemic as there is likely to be a shortfall in the municipal budget due to reduction in the federal, state and county level funding.

Our town has weathered the pandemic outbreak well through the leadership of our elected officials as they continue to improve the quality of life in the town as well making the town family-friendly. It is, therefore, imperative that we elect both Mayor Doug Tomson and Janine Erickson to the Township Committee to continue with the progress being made.

Shangar Nandra