Freehold Township teenager sees wish for new MacBook Pro fulfilled

Make-A-Wish New Jersey recently granted the wish of a Freehold Township teenager who is battling a life-threatening illness. Madison Spicuzza’s wish was granted with the support of Jersey Mike’s Subs.

Madison, who is 15 years old, has endured much throughout her diagnosis and treatments, and during such unprecedented times, she has also had to experience continued isolation with high concern for her health during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, according to a press release from Make-A-Wish New Jersey.

When she was asked, “If you could have one wish what would it be?” Madison wished for her own MacBook Pro, according to the press release.

Madison’s wish came true during a time of unexpected separation. According to Madison, having her own MacBook Pro would give her a new outlet to stay in touch with her closest friends, watch her favorite shows, and enjoy the things a typical high school sophomore should enjoy.

The Make-A-Wish New Jersey team hit the road for a surprise delivery for Madison at the end of the summer and her wish items were safely delivered to her doorstep, along with a special dinner from Jersey Mike’s Subs, according to the press release.

“The past year has been hard, we’re not going to lie,” Madison’s parents Staci and Dan Spicuzza said. “It’s been pretty overwhelming.”

Madison’s reaction to the surprise delivery, with neighbors, family members and friends stopping by outside her home to show their support, was awe.

“It was really fun,” she said. “It was a lot, but it was really fun!”

Her parents said they were taken aback by the delivery as well.

“Tears were being shed,” they said. “Our neighbors were jealous of our dinner from Jersey Mike’s, too. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.”

Over the past four years, Jersey Mike’s Subs has shown its financial support and dedication to the mission of Make-A-Wish, and through that support the company has helped to create more than 100 life-changing wishes for children like Madison throughout New Jersey, according to the press release.

Make-A-Wish New Jersey was founded in 1983 and has granted more than 11,000 wishes to children in every county, town and municipality of the Garden State. For more information, visit