Montgomery’s Desi Physician Moms donates masks to Hillsborough

Desi Physician Moms (DPM) of U.S./Canada, a non-profit philanthropic organization and network of nearly 7,000 licensed, physician women of Indian subcontinent heritage, donated 100 facial masks to the Hillsborough Township Community Assistance Network.
DPM member Dr. Neha Saraiya and her team of volunteerd from Montgomery, Vaishali, Preeti, Anita, Madhu and Arva, sewed the masks.
Eleven DPM members from eight cities throughout the United States volunteered their time and coordinated volunteer teams to make 30,000 masks for physicians in direct patient care, high risk patients, and the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The masks are a variation of an original design produced by Dr. Sonia Mehta, anesthesiologist at the University of Florida.
DPM works to support women’s and children’s issues and other issues regarding work/family balance, immigration, and maintaining Desi culture while residing in North America and assimilating into Western culture, according to information provided by Hillsborough Township.