Burlington County to launch new addiction recovery service

Burlington County Board Director Felicia Hopson and Deputy Director Tom Pullion will be joined by county Prosecutor Scott Coffina and other county officials on Sept. 22 for the launch of a new initiative to improve access to addiction treatment and other community services that can assist residents in recovery.

“The coronavirus pandemic is not the only health crisis impacting Burlington County. We cannot forget that addiction is also claiming the lives of our friends, neighbors and loved ones at an alarming rate,” Hopson said in a prepared statement about the launch of the county’s new Recovery Center, where individuals can obtain peer support and information about treatment programs, recovery support services and community resources.

The Recovery Center will also have space for other wellness activities and classes on subjects like nutrition, anger management, relaxation and meditation and resume writing, and a meeting room for groups like Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous to use.

“There are real people who will benefit greatly from a program like this. It’s why I’m so proud we’re launching this initiative,” Hopson said in the statement.

The launch will take place at noon on Sept. 22 at the Burlington County Human Services Building, 795 Woodlane Road, Westampton.

In addition to Coffina, Hopson and Pullion will be joined by Burlington County Department of Human Services officials, representatives from provider Prevention Is Key and a peer recovery coach.

All attendees will be required to wear appropriate masks and face coverings and adhere to social-distancing guidelines.