Marlboro planners approve warehouse on Boundary Road

MARLBORO – An application that proposed the construction of a two-story, 39,459-square-foot warehouse and HVAC manufacturing center on Boundary Road has been approved by the members of the Marlboro Planning Board.

The application submitted by SRS Enterprises was approved following testimony during a meeting on Sept. 16. The applicant was represented by attorney Salvatore Alfieri, of the firm Cleary Giacobbe Alfieri Jacobs, Matawan.

SRS Enterprises is a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) manufacturing company.

The site where the structure was proposed is a 10-acre property on the west side of Boundary Road, north of Vanderburg Road. The site previously contained a privately run swim club.

A portion of Big Brook and a tributary border the parcel along the northern and southern property lines and the site is encumbered by wetlands, according to information presented to the board.

The application submitted by SRS Enterprises proposed three possible phases of construction:

• Phase one proposed the construction of a two-story, 39,459-square-foot warehouse/manufacturing facility and office building. The building would contain 7,148 square feet designated as manufacturing space, 12,558 square feet designated as office space and 19,445 square feet designated as warehouse space. Access was proposed from Boundary Road. Parking spaces for 80 vehicles five loading spaces were provided on the north side of the site;

• Phase two proposed the construction of a one-story future building addition of 26,172 square feet, consisting of 6,543 square feet of manufacturing space and 19,629 square feet of warehouse space;

• Phase three allows the applicant to convert 6,595 square feet of phase two into office space and to provide an additional 20 parking spaces.

Robert Senia, a principal of SRS Enterprises, said the business would have 35 employees (eight factory employees, 10 warehouse employees and 17 sales employees). Hours of operation at the site would be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, and occasionally on weekends.

Engineer Greg Redington, president of REDCOM Design and Construction LLC, Westfield, said phase two and phase three of the application were separated from one another as future work because it was not known at this time which portion of the plan the business may need first at a future date.

Following the conclusion of testimony, a motion was made to approve the SRS Enterprises application.

Board Chairman Mark Barenburg, Vice Chairman Andrew Pargament and board members Michael Adler, Neil Betoff, Lynn Franco, David Gagliano, Rohit Gupta, Andrew Kessler and Michael Slotopolsky voted “yes” on the motion.